Wake up to Eternity
My wife and I are entering a very special season. On 26 July, if everything goes as planned, we will have a new baby boy in our lives! We are very excited. We are also entering a time where we will be challenged to step out and truly look beyond our current horizons in terms of work and basically our whole existence.
Many paths are coming together. With the focus on each of our passions and purpose and the promising future of a new baby boy we are squarely positioned to wake up to eternity!
It is not the time to try and be safe with everything because we are expecting our first child but I believe the opposite is quite true. I believe that the greatest damage to the child is the unlived life of the parent. I’m not saying that you have to get all your partying done by tomorrow and have kids otherwise you will be damaging your children. It comes down to your definition of life. I want to teach my children that you need to fail forward and never stop taking risks. As we all know, monkey see, monkey do.
I live today as the parent I will be tomorrow. I will wake up to eternity.