For over a decade I have been exploring various roles, organisations, industries and tools to affect my influence for the greater good as far as possible. From my varsity days I was restless (I guess I still am a bit). Always hungry; always searching for more MEANING! Adventures into the unknown!
And yet every day I look around at the majority of people and how happy they are to simply accept their lot in life and tell themselves that “I guess I will never have a better relationship” or “I can’t get over my addiction”. But I guess that if you are reading this you are already one of the few who look for answers; who search for life!
That fact of the matter is that our collective consciousness is driven by the mass media and we are very happy to simply go with the flow (Yes, I am a stuck record, but the message needs to be repeated).
Few realise that the world of work is changing dramatically. Not maybe; not some day. It is here! I recently witnessed a large global company simply change the rules of how they structure the invoicing process for its employees at the drop of a hat because the old business model is failing them. They simply pushed the risk down to the people that have to deliver value to the clients on a daily basis. Just like that.
People that saw this coming have been prepared because they realised the season, they and the company, were in. Many others are not so lucky and will potentially have to borrow money to get through the next two months or so. The reason I am saying this is not to vilify any particular organisation. I am highlighting the changing nature of the global economy. The focus at the World Economic Forum (however elitist it might be), was on the impact of technology on the economy. Job destruction (and creation), automation, acceleration, inequality, etc.
WARNING: The greatest mistake you can make is to think that things will remain the same as in the past. Things like management techniques is not a natural given – it is man made and is changing.
Think about your current situation. Think about the bed you sleep in, the security you enjoy (or don’t enjoy), the car you drive, the road you drive on, the laptop you use to read this insight – it can all be dramatically changed in a short period or even disappear completely.
There will be adventures into the unknown for you and for me but the question is whether you have your eye on the horison? What are you reading? Who are you connecting with? How are you shaping your ability to be responsive, resilient and antifragile? What do you see emerging from the future?
Don’t survive this current age; LIVE!