Alive Questions


Perhaps you have already downloaded your copy of the Alive Today! manifesto – Great!  If you haven’t done so yet, head over to downloads and grab your free copy.  I’d love to hear from you if you have any feedback, so head over to the contact page and leave me a note.

The reason that I am mentioning this is not merely to give free stuff away but to hopefully challenge us all to ask some valuable questions.  As I have mentioned before, your quality of life is only as good as the quality of your questions.  So today I simply want to leave you with a few questions that I hope you will explore, discuss and reflect on.  These are the kind of questions that is focused on helping you maintain your economic and not egonomic view.  The questions can help shift self, other, society and business.   I kept it fairly brief because that is how I do it.  Perhaps you can even improve on the questions – I’d love to hear from you!

Here goes:

How is my breathing – relaxed and deep or anxious and shallow?
On what do my thoughts dwell?
What can I be grateful for right now (look around)?
How can I make someone else’s day today?
In what way is today the future I have been dreaming of?
Which decision (and consequent action) have I been avoiding?
Am I searching for comfort or meaning?
Am I focused on the short-term or the long-term?
When last did I lift up my eyes to the horison and realise that this too shall pass.
Did I push just a little harder today because I can be better?
Did I take myself too seriously today?
When last did I laugh until my tummy hurt?
Was I brave in the last week?
Did I confront my fear?