What do You Desire?

How about a strong main meal of growth seasoned with challenges and a side-dish of opportunity?  For years I have seen in myself, and those I coach, the journey of desire unfold within the mystery of life.  For a very long time I had to go through various trials in order to purify what was in my heart.

Your character will destroy what your gifts have built, unless there is transformation.  I had to go through  the transformation process and remain open to it in order to build my career to where it is now and where it is going.  My ideal coaching client is a person ready for this kind of transformation or someone who is going through  it at the moment.

I love working with individuals that are hungry for themselves – their true self.   I desire being real and valuable as I am today for the relst of my life and sharing that with as many people as I can.  I constantly work at overcoming the environment, time and my body in order to shift from merely surviving to truly living!

Go from survive to alive today!