Two Types of Messy

paint-315803_960_720I’ll bet that you have gone through messy periods in your life because things were just getting out of control.  Maybe you’re going through such a time now?  What I have seen in my own life as well as the lives of people around me is that there is generally two types of messy.

The first kind is the kind of messy that lurks in the shadow of our neglect.  Neglect in terms of health, relationships, responsibility or fear.  We avoid engaging in the things in life that bring true meaning and freedom.   One day when we are blissfully unaware the mess jumps on us and we realise with a great freight that this mess is taking over and our ability to steer our lives is greatly diminished!  …Not so nice!

On the other hand Continue reading “Two Types of Messy”

Deep Origin Leads to Greatness!

sprout-1147803_960_720I have been writing insights (what I use to call posts) for the about ten years now.  Originally the writing came as expression of frustration and avenue for creative outlet.

Now the writing, and website, is an expression of, and avenue for supporting people to live, not just survive.
Deep inside we all long to live a life worthy of the gifts that have been bestowed upon us.

I add value to  entrepreneurs and leaders at all levels. …Those who firstly realise that in order to fully  be alive you need to challenge yourself.

Today more than ever my focus is becoming clear.  What started out as an exploration with a foggy lens is becoming a laser-like focus and this journey is what I use to help others do the same.  I have spent thousands on searching for the path of wisdom.  I have spent years developing the mindset that brings fulfillment in ALL areas of life.  I am not satisfied with second-best!  I am only interested in a life that is better and better every day.

But!… Continue reading “Deep Origin Leads to Greatness!”

How to Run a Company Like You Actually Care

care 1I have worked in various companies, industries, roles, cities and organisational environments and what I have found time and again is a staggering disregard for employees value and intelligence.  In other words employees don’t qualify as human beings once they are written up on the expense side of the balance sheet.

The simple fact of the matter is that, irrespective of legislation, there is a lot that a company can do to ensure that, if they really care, to show it.

Here are two simple but challenging things (which means you will probably say ‘we can’t do this’):

Continue reading “How to Run a Company Like You Actually Care”

What’s the Focus?

road-nature-hand-path-mediumI’d like to pause for a moment and refocus your attention on the focus of  Survive to Alive.  The main purpose behind the blog is to serve you, the reader, that is interested to learn and grow on a personal level and therefore move from just surviving to living.  Perhaps you are already living the life you intend but need some insights into the changing world and the opportunities for sustaining the life you have created – read on!

If you feel you do not need insights, paradigm shifts or growth, you won’t find much value here.  But if you are looking for wisdom and a better life in general please read as much as you like and PLEASE give me feedback by either commenting on the post you read or using the contact form.

If you are interested in understanding and learning from the emerging 21st century (or contemporary) economy and business environment you will also find value in what I write.  I aim to contextualise the current changes occurring in the world of work, business and the economy specifically.  Within this context I focus on the consciousness, motivation, purpose, identity and fear of leaders at all levels.  The focus is on assisting leaders at all levels to develop their spiritual intelligence in order to connect themselves, team members and organisations to a higher purpose and accordingly be able to align action to this purpose.

I love working with and writing for individuals, entrepreneurs, startups and small to medium sized businesses because there tends to be more creativity, energy and freedom.  I do however have experience in the corporate environment and there are companies out there that are doing some amazing work.  In short: Although I prefer to align with entrepreneurs, startups and medium size companies I look for like-minded individuals and groups who seek a deeper life and how this translates into awesome businesses!

What’s your focus?  Maybe you need some help with that.  …I can help.  So, give me shout if you need to have a real conversation (also called coaching) or maybe you need someone to help your team or organisation focus on what really matters – I’m your guy.  It’s what I have been doing for the last decade on a personal and professional level.

Go from survive to alive today!

Regaining Wisdom

wisdomDon’t just sit there and do nothing!  The words ring loudly in our ears.  The world says we need to take action, do, do, do!  Things won’t happen by themselves.  In the office you must step up, take action and impress people.  Hey you the entrepreneur a minute spent in thought and reflection is a client lost!

And so the fear and anxiety creeps in on the back of shallow insights that destroys the depth of who we are.  Look around you – is the current condition of the world brought about by too much reflection and wise action or by meaningless, overhasty drive and ambition?

Who are you?  Perhaps today is the day to just do nothing and sit there.  Yes, as crazy as that might seem, we do enough and there is no shortage of doers in the world.  You can just look at what we have done over the last two millennia.   But who have we become?!

>> Download your free copy of Alive Today! and sign up for email updates.  …Go from survive to alive today.

In Recognition of Learning

tidesOver the years I have been privileged to work with inspiring leaders that have helped me shape as a person and leader.  I would like to recognise some of the people in my life that have been influential and has challenged my thinking in order to open me up to new possibilities.

They are men and women that have taken time to engage with me and teach me new things.  Most are people I have worked with, but others are family or friends.

Years ago one of my first significant jobs was to work with a remarkable company called GivenGain.  They specialise in assisting the non-profit world with donor engagement and support people who want to build causes in a revolutionary way.  In short, GivenGain is a unique and valuable social enterprise that breaks down barriers on a global scale.

Johannes van Eeden is one of the founding members of the organisation that I met with and subsequently work alongside with for a few months.  I later also had other business dealings with Johannes and it was this extended relationship that opened my eyes to business in the 21st century and all its challenges and opportunities.  Johannes has a semi-mythical way of dealing with people.  By his own admonition he is not a natural extrovert but with an eye on his goals he is able to transcend himself and bring out the best in people in an unexpected way.

He saw something in me and was willing to invest time and money to see how I developed and explore the opportunities of working together.  He pushed and challenged me to step up and look beyond my own imposed limitations.  To this day I rely on the lessons that he taught me and thanks to Johannes I believe I shaped faster and could move my career in a better direction.

A few years later we moved to Jo’burg where my growth rate increased exponentially.  Fairly early on I got involved with The People Business and I was honoured to represent them at various clients such as Nike, Plessey and Didata.  The belief that the CEO, Jill Hamlyn, demonstrated in me was phenomenal.  They took the risk to appoint me without really knowing anything about me.  This trust inspired growth and vision that I cherish to this day.

One of the other gigs that I had was with a company called Raizcorp and I had the the privilege of working with Allon Raiz, the founder of the organisation that bears his name.  During my time at Raizcorp, Allon truly challenged me to see entrepreneurial development in a new way.  Allon helped me see beyond my own naive view of the world and realise the focus, determination and consistency required to build an organsiation that is growth focused.  During my time there I probably coached about 60 entrepreneurs on strategic matters and through the daily interaction had the privilege to grow as a coach and leader because Allon and Raizcorp invested in me through training and coaching.

The last job I had before I left Jo’burg was with a company called Grow Consulting.  At Grow I worked with Michael Greyling who is the co-founder of the company.  As a full-time corporate facilitator I was exposed to companies like FNB, Anglo, PWC and Standard Bank.  Michael taught me about the relentless service-orientation that it takes to be one of the sought-after companies when it comes to people development in South Africa and Africa.  His non-negotiable approach to detail-oriented excellence stays with me to this day.  Through hours of material development, client interaction, planes, airports and growth inducing feedback I was able to grow as facilitator, individual and leader.

Last, but definitely not least, are the leaders who have invested the most in my life since day one.  I have parents that legends are based on – they are committed, loving, honest, caring, challenging and remain steadfast in their spiritual beliefs and marriage for many decades.
My Father has showed the way in terms of true ethical leadership in our family and the working world and I am grateful for his example and coaching to become a leader, husband and father.

On the other hand I have a saint of a Mom that has simply, yet powerfully, been our spiritual caretaker and home maker.  She has willingly sacrificed her time and energy in order to make sure that we know what it means to have a home.

To all of my mentors and guides up to this day I say thank you!  The value that I continually glean from our relationships are immeasurable.  You have helped me find my own unique path through the tides of life.  May your relationships remain peaceful, your businesses grow and your hearts be at rest.