This is Why Personal Transformation Doesn’t Happen

I recently read a very good book on leadership by Danah Zohar.  The Quantum Leader outlines the impact of quantum physics paradigm on contemporary leadership.  It is indeed a total paradigm shift.  Paradigm as first used by the American philosopher Thomas Kuhn is:

“The whole perceptual, conceptual, emotional, and spiritual framework embracing our most deeply held, unconscious assumptions and values. It is the things we take for granted about any situation in life. Like a pair of glasses we wear to focus our visual world, our paradigm focuses the whole of what we take to be reality. It determines our expectations, frames the questions that we will ask, and structures our approach to what we do. Paradigms are so deep that they even determine what we see.”

If we want to see more transformation among leaders we need to address the crisis of paradigm. Continue reading “This is Why Personal Transformation Doesn’t Happen”