This is Why Personal Transformation Doesn’t Happen

I recently read a very good book on leadership by Danah Zohar.  The Quantum Leader outlines the impact of quantum physics paradigm on contemporary leadership.  It is indeed a total paradigm shift.  Paradigm as first used by the American philosopher Thomas Kuhn is:

“The whole perceptual, conceptual, emotional, and spiritual framework embracing our most deeply held, unconscious assumptions and values. It is the things we take for granted about any situation in life. Like a pair of glasses we wear to focus our visual world, our paradigm focuses the whole of what we take to be reality. It determines our expectations, frames the questions that we will ask, and structures our approach to what we do. Paradigms are so deep that they even determine what we see.”

If we want to see more transformation among leaders we need to address the crisis of paradigm. Continue reading “This is Why Personal Transformation Doesn’t Happen”

Finding Motivation During Difficult Times

During this challenging time that we are going through as a global family, I see in myself and others a decreased level of motivation.  If you look up the original meaning it of the word it emphasizes movement; or ‘to move’.  I see in myself and others less movement. The word burnout is being used more frequently as well as resilience.  It would also seem like we have even higher levels of stress and anxiety than ever before. Continue reading “Finding Motivation During Difficult Times”

How I am Crafting my Career from a Calling

woodworking-691329_960_720Over the last decade I have had approximately 15 jobs in about as many organisations.  It has ranged from consulting to coaching and facilitation to lecturing.  I could not still because I was hungry to find out who I am; what I am good at and ultimately I wanted to have an impact by adding value from my highest potential.

This has not changed a bit!  In fact, I have now entered a phase in my life where I am starting to weave together, or craft, a fulfilling career from following a calling.  After high school I took a year off and it was during this year that I discovered passion and purpose deep inside me.  It is a passion and a purpose that is eternally inspired.

Left to my own devices I would have most probably not been as alive as I am today – who knows where I would have ended up!?
…But here I am crafting a career from calling.  The big insight for today is an old one: Continue reading “How I am Crafting my Career from a Calling”

Adventures into the Unknown

adventureFor over a decade I have been exploring various roles, organisations, industries and tools to affect my influence for the greater good as far as possible.  From my varsity days I was restless (I guess I still am a bit).  Always hungry; always searching for more MEANING!  Adventures into the unknown!

And yet every day I look around at the majority of people and how happy they are to simply accept their lot in life and tell themselves that “I guess I will never have a better relationship” or “I can’t get over my addiction”.  But I guess that if you are reading this you are already one of the few who look for answers; who search for life!

That fact of the matter is that our collective consciousness is driven by the mass media and we are very happy to simply go with the flow (Yes, I am a stuck record, but the message needs to be repeated).

Few realise that the world of work is changing dramatically.   Continue reading “Adventures into the Unknown”