It’s Easier to Make It in This World Than it is to Change It

I have mentioned this quote in the past, but after a good conversation with a friend earlier today I thought it would be good to focus on it specifically:  It is easier to make it in this world than it is to change it.  Why?  Because you have to be willing to change yourself first.  Something I learned with greater depth in 2015 when I completed a U.Lab online certification at MIT through edX.

The course specifically focuses on changing business, society and self.  During our conversation my friend, very eloquently, indicated that the self should be first in order to emphasize that is where it all begins (the focus of the course is nonetheless very much on changing yourself first).  Throughout the course I had the chance to interact with variety of individuals all over the world Continue reading “It’s Easier to Make It in This World Than it is to Change It”

It’s Just You and Your Potential

I am on a journey to discover and express as much of my potential as I can. It is a life long journey and I seek to serve others as the central theme of this journey. To be of great value and have powerful impact is the true north of my compass.

What I have realised on this journey that it is mostly a lonely journey.  Although I am always looking for kindred spirits and like-minded individuals or groups, at the end of the day this is my journey and no-one can travel it on my behalf.  When I look in the mirror it is jut me there.  It is up to me to take all the gifts that I have received an turn them into the man I like to see in the mirror.

No-one else will persevere and be willing to look different, weird, difficult or stupid on my behalf – that’s all on me!  I need to keep on believing in me.  I have to take the view of Eternity: I have been made for a purpose that will serve this world in order to improve it.  As I renew my vision and beliefs every day and become the best version of myself, I help the world around me do the same.

This is the message that I have for you today – Don’t be distracted; this is your journey and if you don’t weigh anchor and aim for the open seas no-one is going to do it on your behalf.  It doesn’t matter who you are, remember that today is the day you decided not only to survive but live!

…Go from survive to alive!

The Simple Truth Behind Long-Term Business Success

Whenever I make a business decision and whenever I study the truly successful companies globally I find a powerful and simple similarity:  Look to improve all the lives involved in any decision and profit will follow.  Sure, you can ignore this in the short-term and simply look to benefit yourself, but in the long term the companies that earn the greatest profit (financially, emotionally, socially, etc.) are the companies that look to serve a greater cause than money.

The challenge is that in order to do this the leadership, and especially the ownership, of the organisation has to be focused on total wealth creation at all levels.  This means that: Continue reading “The Simple Truth Behind Long-Term Business Success”

Awaken Your Consciousness

When I look around me and listen to the stories of people that are dependent upon some sort of pill, addiction or habit to get them through the day it makes me sad.  I know from personal experience how empowering it is to take the hard road led by significance.

I urge you today, if you are using some sort of crutch that society, doctors, friends or family are telling you that you need in order to survive, question that knowledge! Continue reading “Awaken Your Consciousness”