A Winding Road

I recently started working at a very different, unique and exciting company – Raizcorp.  We specialize in growing profitable business.  I am truly excited and look forward to all the new challenges.  I believe that my appointment is the culmination of various experiences and legs of a journey that have come together at the dawn of a new season.

The reason why I am writing about this is because of what I have noticed about the journey of life.  The winding road in the past few years have continuously challenged my expectations.  Just when I thought that I would make a left, the road turned right and when I was preparing to pick up speed there were many obstacles that required me to slow down and be patient.

I have learned to prepare rather than plan.  Although I still do plan, preparation has become my vehicle of choice.  I guess it is all part of the maturity process.  Here are a few points that I believe is important in the twist and turns of a winding path:

  1. Roll down the windows:  Let the fresh air of the moment into your life.  Learn to identify the new things and become excited by them
  2. Practice cornering:  The more you learn to enjoy corners the more you learn to enjoy life.  Life is mostly one set of corners after the others.
  3. Know your power and gears:  If you know when to increase speed and how quickly you will make the ride the best it can be.  Don’t over estimate your horse power and don’t understimate it either – use what you’ve got!
  4. Discs all round:  Make sure you have some really good breaks on your car because stopping at viewpoints is as important as picking up the pace.  Learn to enjoy the pauses in life, this is where you gain greater vision for the road ahead.
  5. Let it rip:  When the road is straight, the air crisp and the light as bright as it can be, floor it.  Don’t think, just enjoy it!