Welcome to the new home of Survive to Alive! As you are probably aware I have been blogging for quite a while and this is the next step for me. In the months to come I am going to be sharing with you, and challenging you, to truly live and not just breathe!
In this first post I would like to recap on the purpose of this blog/website which invariably means that I am going to share a little bit about my journey thus far as it motivates and informs the work I do. So here goes…
I have always been a curious person and love to explore and learn. I am interested in how this world works and I have always been ready to challenge the status quo in search of a world with greater meaning and purpose. I just can’t settle for okay.
Perhaps part of the reason I am like this is because I have been privileged to be raised in three different countries as my parents showed me how far they would go in order to commit to a greater purpose. This translated into an exciting and challenging career because everywhere I went I could not help but look at every situation with the same question: how can this be improved? Not everyone liked this. So originally I started to blog because I was confronted with a world that simply did but did not think that much and I felt a need to express myself. I saw survival but could not really find people who lived!
As time went by I kept running into challenges and kept on blogging. I started to dream of a day where I could help people that was in search of a better alternative and perhaps also create awareness among others that there is in fact a better way and this better way meant truly living.
This is not a small task and it is an ongoing journey to help people go from survive to alive as I endeavour to do the same. Helping other people is in fact the way that I go from just surviving to truly being alive. What makes my journey even more unique is that with the support of family, friends and a Power beyond my comprehension I have been able to go and explore so many different approaches to life and work. It is the world of work for which I have a passion to see people freed to contribute from their deepest empathy. I also believe that in creating a world of work like this is inextricably linked to a healthier world.
So progressively I have focused on leadership development of emerging leaders and entrepreneurs through lecturing, mentoring, coaching and public speaking. I however neglected the writing a bit because I was kept busy but also because I have underestimated its value and importance.
So now it is time to refocus and commit my talents and abilities to writing. I will therefore be writing one post a week, no more. I just don’t think it is necessary to write more. I will however also be adding additional pieces that are downloadable and later on things will get more interesting. …More about that later. Please go ahead and follow survivetoalive.com by entering your email address on the right as indicated. Also explore the rest of the site and keep an eye out for the launch of the Alive Today! manifesto (hint: the best way to get your download early is to follow via email subscription).
I look forward to joining you on a journey that is not merely about surviving but is about truly living!