Hey! What Ya Reading There?

stack-of-books-1001655_960_720Towards the end of last year, as I was reviewing things a bit, I posted on different manners of reading and I specifically focused on going back and reading things again.  We are in such a rush and sometimes we read multiple books at a time we can potentially lose focus.  I have also listed one or two powerful books that you can read here and here.

Here are a few additional phenomenal reads that I can recommend:


  1. Leading from the Emerging Future:  From Ego-System to Ego-System Economies. – Scharmer & Kaufer
    This is actually more than just a book but it is a good place to start if you are pretty much fed-up with the current condition of our global economy.  Dig in and start reading and see where the rabbit hole goes…
  2. Betterness – Umair Haque
    Also looking at the bigger picture but not so intensely as the previous mentioned book.  Still a good thought provoking read.
  3. Awaken the Giant Within: Take Immediate Control of Your mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny. – Anthony Robbins
    I must admit that I avoided Tony Robbins for many years because I saw him as a Ra-Ra, shallow, stage performer.  What I however found was a comprehensive, in-depth approach to personal development which I have revisited time and again.
  4. Beyond the Hole in the Wall. – Sugata Mitra
    If you are interested in how we go about learning and designing the learning experience of our children (and any other students) this book is simple and powerful.
  5. Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us – Seth Godin
    Simple, powerful, true!  A good read from a renowned author.
  6. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. – Daniel H. Pink
    This is stuff we know but just don’t implement – hello real world!  This book has helped me personally and professionally make career decisions and align my energy towards mastery!
  7. Maverick: The Success Story Behind the World’s Most Unusual Workplace. – Ricardo Semler
    I am sometimes laughed at when I continuously refer back to this book and the impact it has had on my life.  This story is awe inspiring and yet so simple.  What is truly surprising is how much there is to learn and yet so few business owners and leaders apply this.

I’m gonna stop there so you can absorb and perhaps read one or two of the books on the list.  If you have already read the books I encourage you to go back and read that again.

Sometimes it is the simplest things that bring great joy and value to our lives.  Don’t just breathe, live!