Musing, Coffee, and Momentum

So the last few days I have been in Cape Town for work.  I am currently at the airport waiting to board.  Obviously I am using the time wisely to muse on my current situation over some good coffee.  I think about the momentum I am experiencing in more ways than one.
On the one hand I am enjoying the physical momentum and motion of traveling by car, plane, elevator, escalator, and foot.  The mere movement through space and time is invigorating and inspires me to write this blog.  I’ll follow-up and connect some of my previous topics but I though it wise to stand still in order to move forward.  On the other hand my physical condition is currently not well suited to travelling.  The pain I am experiencing makes it tough not only to travel but when combined with the rigours of client-facing facilitation work that demands high energy at all times it is very exhausting.
There is however magic that happens inside of me.  The stretch due to the momentum is truly magnificent and perhaps by looking at it from this perspective it is in fact following-up on my previous post quite well.  Just as I feel the stretch of working more interdependently I am also feeling the stretch that momentum brings.  So here I refer to momentum in psychological terms.  The fact that things are moving and I need to move, or have momentum of thought and being, in order to benefit from the new challenge.  I expand in order to adapt and the expansion creates depth inside of me as a human being.
I don’t have to.  I can also complain that I am physically and emotionally drained because of it but in reality that doesn’t matter.  What really matters is whether I see the big picture.  This is my season to traverse some of the more challenging and possible darker aspects of my personality.  In the last while I wanted to hide away somewhere that is comfortable and only use my strengths.  Man, how the circumstances are teaching me masterful life lessons and I am definitely learning that the height of cultivation runs to simplicity.
Right here, right now, I feel joy, satisfaction, hope and blessing.  I will continue my journey and write my story because there is no-one else that can.  My voice is my voice and I will use it to speak life.  I will not dwell on what is wrong but see the beauty and blessing around me and in me.  There is so much beauty that I can’t be bothered by all the bulls#!t.
Ps. Please excuse the rather intense expression but I believe my current emotional state needs some intense expression!
Pps.  I am however very tired at the moment…