Lone Ranger or A-Team?

Late last year I started a wonderful journey with a group of people in a new business.  I moved from a situation where I pretty much had an independent role and could conduct most of my day according to my own preference.  As I made the moved I was not fully aware that my new role would require me to be so interdependent.

I was in fact a little shell-shocked when I had to go from a place of independence and considerable competence to interdependence and incompetence.  I have in fact been stretched and tested on some of my weaknesses that I didn’t expect.  The lone ranger in me just wanted to fight it with all the energy I had.  Fortunately I was aware of my personality and how I was reacting.  I could pause and decide to respond in an appropriate manner.  My original reaction was to get on my horse, six-gun at my side, and ride of into the sunset on my own – Lone Ranger style.

The circumstances I found myself in, however, challenged me on my Lone Ranger attitude and I had to make a choice.  I realised that I had to dig in and become part of the A-Team.  I could see how the challenge would reveal a part of me that would create a synergy within myself and the team.  The beauty of it was that within the A-Team I would still be able to have my own unique role; I would still be able to maintain the heart of a Lone Ranger as well as fit in with the team.  Not either/or but both!

In order to go from survive to alive I had to overcome the fear of losing myself within a bigger whole.  I had to confront the fear that my uniqueness would be lost and I would have to go through long days merely getting by on some of my lesser skills.  In reality I now see that through sacrifice a better road is being built where excellence is being revealed.  I am being sharpened every day.

I am naturally a bit of a recluse and love my own company.  I have perhaps been doing it a bit too much.  Things happen for a reason and I can see that this phase is working on my hermit mentality.  I believe that some of my best work still happens on my own but it is empty and meaningless if I can’t build and share it with others – balance and synergy.

In the end I will always connect and collaborate with others and it is good to see how it is happening in this phase of my life.  I wanted the exposure and growth but wasn’t aware that it was going to be so tough.  It is however a plan coming together and I love it when a plan comes together!