A while back I used a quote by Bruce Lee that goes like this: “One does not accumulate but eliminate. It is not daily increase but daily decrease. The height of cultivation always runs to simplicity.” Now I know he said this with specific reference to Jeet Kune Do but the philosophy behind it is very powerful. It is the same as an artist that reveals a magnificent sculpture from the rock, removing bit by bit until the artwork is revealed.
Society does not teach this anymore. I believe that in society we are taught to accumulate. We lose focus of the journey of cultivation and instead we keep adding on until we are so smothered wit stuff that we have lost sight of our journey.
A good illustration of this is the saying, work hard, play hard – more of everything! Yip, squeeze life so full of stuff that there is no room for you. How about just living? I get so sick of ‘successful’ people that put the pressure on society due to their accumulation syndrome. I believe we can do with less and be more.
It is however about getting and keeping my focus right. By implication focus means that there are things I need to say no to or my energy well be dispersed and when I strike it will be off-centre and weak. What I want is on-target and powerful blows. The real accomplishment in this is perfecting the art and not what can be gained through it. It is therefore of intrinsic value and not primarily instrumental.
My passion here lies in knowing myself and specifically questioning the image society projects on me. I will reduce what is not necessary in mind and heart first and let that guide powerful action.
It is this compelling vision of simplicity that gives me energy. Knowing that I am free of many of the burdens society want to heap on me. I can choose and I choose me; revealed from the rock and ready to strike a powerful blow.